We all want to get rich and financial free. Here are some steps to follow.
Step 1
Having a good career or business system
People don't get rich by just having a low paid job. You need to have a good career or business system to help you get rich.
Think of a good profession that you can obtain: lawyer, doctor, accountant, and etc. The key is to find a good salary career that paid well and has potential to climb up the ladder.
Think of a business system that can make money for you even you are on vacation.
Step 2
Save money and invest wisely
Let money make more money for you. The key is safe investment with consistent return over the years. Most people lost money in stock or forex currency market because they didn't control their risk well. They used too much leverage or margin on each trade. One big mistake or loss can wipe you out if you have no risk control management.
Real estate can be a good and stable investment. Just make sure you have positive cash flow (Rent - expenses).
Bond can be a good and safe investment. Just use a small portion ($100 each month) to buy bonds and hold it till your retirement age. You should become a millionaire by then.
Step 3
Having multiple sources of income
Make sure you don't put all eggs in one basket. What happen if you lost your job or business go bankrupt? Everyone has their downturn in life.
Therefore, make sure you have a backup plan. For instance, you should buy some properties to collect rent when you have the money to do so. Don't use all your money to buy luxurious house, cars or yacht. Those fancy items don't make money for you when you have a bad time.
Step 4
Need to take action and be consistent
When you have an idea to make money, don't just think, you need to take action as quickly as possible. Otherwise, your passion would vent away.
Step 5
Wealthy people never stop thinking of making more money
Making money has become their hobbies. They would keep searching for any business opportunity or any money making idea.
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